Saturday, March 20, 2010

Monday, March 2, 2009


It seems that we all forgot we had this little space on the web to do whatever the $%@( we want. I want to make a comment on something. I´ve just been watching quentin tarantino´s Pulp Fiction, and i want to say that Jake speaks exactly as John Travolta.
Something more important is that it would be nice if we kept posting stuff on this blog, as a way of contact, what a best way to know someone but by the work that one does!
So what do you think!!!
Hi there!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Fusion Awards

After a "democratic" process, here are the results of the Fusion Awards:

Best friend:
HEE SEON RYU, Inka Hell, Meredith Lambert

The soul of the party:
INKA HELL, Jake Frederick, Tommi Niskanen

The player:
FABIO PIRES, Jake Frederick, Nancy Mogire

The secret agent:
MEREDITH LAMBERT, Kamel Abu Yahia, Hyok Lee

The philosopher:
GREG FONG, Franco Iacomella, Alejandra Abad

The romantic:
JOHN MBULI, Nour Bishouty, Hee Seon Ryu

The Artist:
ALEJANDRA ABAD, Ivan Zigaran, Eunjoo Ree

The athlete:
IVAN ZIGARAN, Fabio Pires, Faith Wakoli

The best dancer:
FAITH WAKOLI, Fabio Pires, Mari Halla-Aho

The best accent:
FRANCO IACOMELLA, Emmanuel Cerino, Tommi Niskanen

The fashionist:
MARI HALLA-AHO, Hee Seon Ryu, Nour Bishouty

The Singer:
NOUR BISHOUTY, John Mbuli, Ala Tabba

The poet:
KAMEL ABU YAHIA, Hyok Lee, Tommi Niskanen

The comedian:
EMMANUEL CERINO, Franco Iacomella, Alejandra Abad

The cutie sweetie:
EUNJOO REE, Meredith Lambert, Hyok Lee

The heart breaker:
JAKE FREDERICK, Greg Fong, Eunjoo Ree

The most spiritual:
NANCY MOGIRE, Hyok Lee, Faith Wakoli

The most desirable:
HYOK LEE, Ala Tabba, Hee Seon Ryu

Miss Fusion:
ALA TABBA, Nancy Mogire, Inka Hell

Mr Fusion:
TOMMI NISKANEN, Fabio Pires, Emmanuel Cerino

You can download the presentation, used in the Fusion Awards ceremony, clicking in this link.

Friday, July 25, 2008

MTV video about New Urban Arts


satelite collage


There's lot of stuff happening somewhere in the town of Providence.